The NZ Rugby Foundation is fortunate to be guided by a diverse group of outstanding individuals who have all excelled in their chosen paths. They represent a vastly experienced balance of rugby, governance, business, empathy, accounting and legal expertise contributing to the organisation both in terms of ethic and longevity.

Sir Graham Henry- KNZM

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​"Graham’s reputation and standing in the community will be of great benefit to our ongoing work and goals of supporting our rugby players who have been seriously injured."

Richie McCaw - ONZ​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​"This role provides a great opportunity for me to support rugby and the wider community, which has supported me and my rugby career over the years."

Andy Dalton

​​​​​​​Andy was one of the most successful All Blacks captains in history, victorious in 15 of his 17 tests as captain. Not long after his retirement from rugby he became a corporate manager and was President of the New Zealand Rugby Union.

Andrew Golightly

Andrew is well known in rugby as the Chair of Northland,  and former NZR Board member. Andrew is recognised as one of Northland’s leading commercial lawyers and well respected in the rugby community for his vast experience in rugby governance.


Melodie Robinson

After completing her MBA in 2019 Melodie is the Head of Sports and Events for Television New Zealand. A former World Cup winning Black Fern of proud Ngai Tahu descent, Mel’s involvement in rugby continues at all levels through boards at Rugby World Cup limited to her local club.

Mark Peters

Mark was Chairman of the Marlborough Rugby Union for 6 years, a Director of the NZ Rugby Union for 8 years and is currently a director of the Highlanders Rugby Fraanchise.

Graeme Mourie - MBE

Out of the 61 games Gos played for the All Blacks, he was the captain 57 times. A fast and intelligent flank' he is synonymous with  many  moments in New Zeland's rugby history.

Andrew Hall

Andrew is the National Programme Manager for the NZ Spinal Trust and manages the Trust’s Peer Support and Vocational Rehabilitation programmes. Formerly he has been the CEO and Chair of the NZ Spinal Trust as well as having over 30 years experience in IT.

Simon Tremain

Simon is now the Managing Director of the Tremain Real Estate Group, a giant in the Hawkes Bay and still maintains strong rugby ties through personal, family and business relationships. Simon joned the board in 2013.

David Latta

'Crazy' had a distinguished career as Hooker for Otago from 1986 - 1996 (161 Games) including being involved in the famous 1994 victory over the touring Springboks.

Rowena Davenport

Rowena joined the NZRF Board in April 2022 as the NZR Board rep.  Prior to that she was Chair of the Otago Rugby Football Union in 2019, following six years serving as a director on the ORFU Board.

Dr John Mayhew - ONZM

'Doc' Mayhew adds serious medical clout to the mix. Boasting a long association with NZRU as team doctor for the All Blacks and medical director for the NZRU with 10 years on the IRB advisory board.

Prof. Stephen Morris

Stephen was a New Zealand Rugby Board  Director  (2016 – 2019) and a former Manawatu Rugby Union Chairmen (201 – 2016) and Hurricanes Director (2011 -2102) and is professor of Animal Science at Massey University

Hannah Porter

A former dual world cup winning Black Fern Hannah has been with the Foundation since 2021.  After several years managing both Black Ferns fifteens and sevens campagins Hannah worked for several years at High Performace Sport NZ. In 2022 she accepted a postion at NZR as head of womens high performace.

Heidi Beech

Heidi is a chartered accountant and was previously Finance Manager at NZ Rugby and subsequently Chief Financial Officer at Eden Park. She is currently on the Board of Sport Hawke’s Bay.

Teina Boyd

An Accessibility Advisor to Tauranga City Council. Before commencing this role in 2023, Teina consulted to the  ACC on how their systems and processes impact on whānau Māori living with injury, and continues to work in this role


Andy Ellis

In a solid 28-test career for the All Blacks, Ellis is most remembered for having the final say in the tense 2011 Rugby World Cup final, kicking the ball into touch as the final hooter sounded.

Described as a halfback cut from the traditional cloth, Ellis made 154 appearances for the Crusaders from 2006 – 2016, winning two Super Rugby titles over that time. Andy joined the NZRF board in 2024

Lisa Kingi - Bon

Lisa has held management positions in two of rugby’s powerhouses – South Africa and New Zealand. This has been across various aspects of the game spanning five Rugby World Cups.  Diverse experience including international and national, managing individual players, PR, events, diplomacy, and logistics.

Moved to NZ in 2001 and blessed to call two counties home. “Prior to joining the New Zealand Rugby Foundation team, I was privileged to be a part of the RWC 2011 management team and wondered if I’d ever love a role as much. Well, the New Zealand Rugby Foundation surpasses and then some.”

“I respect sport as a powerful social catalyst. In our current world it is even more vital that sport remains relevant. It is a powerful tool in our fast-moving world and a healthy leveller.”

+64 9 6237980. 

​​​​​​​ Kingi-Bon.


​​​​​​​Ben Sturmfels

Responsible for leading and managing our suite of fundraising programs Ben's enthusiasm for stakeholder engagment has seen him increase our revenue streams year on year since he joined in 2009.

Having played, coached, and commentated rugby from a young age Ben lives passion for the game and is driven by ensuring future generations "have the opportunity to fall in love with rugby and immerse in its life values and opportunities" 

Ben's passion, emapthy and EQ allow him to relate equally to the janitor as to the President. He's commitment to rugby  saw him inducted as a member of NZ Barbarians RFC in 2021.

+64 21 1441148. Sturmfels